Sold Jersey Cows

Sold Jersey Cows is Hill Top Jerseys’ archive of past cows we have owned. Look through and compare all the cows we have sold.

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Registered, A2/A2


Alexis is a good natured young girl. She is going on 3 years old this November. She was bred to Dandy and due on April 15, 2025. She keeps condition really well and is usually approachable by my kids while loose in the field. She has medium teat length, and can be milked by hand or machine, but she is more familiar with the machine and occasionally doesn’t like hand milking. Her udder is mostly uniform, but she tends to hold back in her back right quarter, so I usually rub it with a mint udder rub to help her drop all her milk. She is quite calm for such a young girl. 



Registered, A2/A2


Hela will be 4 years old this September. She has medium long teat length, and although she prefers machine milking she is getting used to hand milking and most days doesn’t mind either. She has a nice thick frame and holds condition really well. She was AI bred to Cal-Mart Judo-Et. With sexed semen for a heifer. Due January 17th. She was not naturally polled, but her sire and grand sire were both polled, so she does have polled in her genetics. 


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Registered, A1/A2


Babs is a sweet, smaller framed girl. She just turned 2 this June when she had her first calf. She is gentle and usually lets me or the kids approach her to pet her when she is loose in the field. She bred back quickly and is confirmed bred to Dandy due late April to early May. She has medium teat length and a nice symertical udder. She is getting used to machine milking, but still a bit timid for hand milking.



Registered, A2/A2


Hali is a sweet girl. She will be 3 years old this December. She is bred to Dandy for a March calf. She has medium front teats and shorter back teats. She has been accepting of either hand or machine milking, but I would prefer milking her with a machine because of back teat length makes it a little difficult by hand. She has a nice thicker frame, and she is quite motivated to get milked in the morning. She likes to be near the front of the herd most days. 


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Registered, A2/A2


Harriet is a lovely girl with a very nice symertical udder. She has medium teat length and has been quite accepting of either hand or machine milking. She is bred to Dandy for end of December to early January calf. She will be 3 years old this October. She is quite calm and easygoing for a first time fresh girl. 



Registered, A1/A2


Sara is such a pet. She absolutely loves attention and will regularly approach us to lick on us and absolutely loves to have her head scratched. She is very calm and enjoys people contact even if it is someone sitting on her back. She just turned 3 years old. She has a great body frame and a nice udder with medium/long teat length. She had her first calf in June and is learning quickly to behave for milking. I think she actually prefers hand milking over machine milking, but she can get bored if milking takes too long. She has been exposed to Dandy, but may take a while to confirm pregnancy since she just recently calved. 


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Registered, A2/A2


Colli is a sweet 2 year old. She had her first calf end of May. She bred back quickly to Dandy and is due in April. She as a friendly, easygoing girl that can be milked by hand or machine. She has medium long teat length. She is producing as much or more than most of my first time fresh girls at similar point in her lactation, but she only milks from 3 quarters. Her back right quarter never came into milk. 



Registered, A1/A2


Dora is such a sweat heart. She really likes attention and holds condition well. She is a shorter stocky built girl. She is due with her 3rd calf on December 22. And will be turning 4 years old in December. She has medium teat length and behaves well for milking by hand or machine. She milks from all 4, but her udder isn’t balanced in the back. Her back right is a heavy producer and back left is a bit light. Dora is very gentle and quite approachable even with strangers most of the time. She is very food motivated, and tries to get into the barn on the first row if possible, and when she gets skipped she will quite often squeeze her head in the barn door and watch until we let her in for milking. She did snag her ear tags on the door a few times making little cuts in her ears by her tags that make her ears floppy. She was AI bred to sexed heifer semen to ABS GA Quiz


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Registered, A2/A2


Vina is a lovely, natural polled 2 year old. She had her first calf in June and has been exposed to Dandy, so possibly early bred. She has adopted calves on our farm, so she would likely accept orphan calves for you. She has medium long teats and behaves will for hand or machine milking. She milks well for a first time fresh girl, however her back quarters are a bit off balance. Her back right is a higher production quarter and her back left is a lighter quarter. Probably due to having some calves nurse on her when she first freshened. They tend to favor quarters. 



Registered, A1/A2


Belle is a sweet, smaller framed girl. She calved this January.  She is doing really well with 1x per day milking. She was a good mom and nursed her calf for a couple weeks, but we separated her early because of the cold. Belle has medium teat size and has adjusted well for machine milking. Still a little sensitive to hand milking, but she is gentle and hasn’t had a lot of time to get used to being a milk cow. She is bred to Dandy and due early January 2025.


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Registered, A1/A2


Beata is a good, young girl. She will be 3 this Fall. She just freshened early June 2024. She behaves well for milking by hand or machiene, and has good spacing between teats. However her teats are pretty short, and not the easiest for hand milking, unless you are used to milking goats. She does have a sweet gentle temperment and will come up to me for me to pet her occasionally. She is a bit light in her front right quarter, but still milks out of all four quarters.



Registered, A2/A2


Allisa is a sweet 2 year old Jersey. She has learned to stand well most of the time for milking by hand or machiene. She calved January and now confirmed bred by Dandy and due January 2025. She isn’t a big producer, but is doing well for a first time fresh girl. She has medium teat length that is comfortable for me to milk by hand. 


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Registered, A2/A2


Starla is a great milk cow with a gentle temperment. She is good coming in the barn and is a producer. She is however a bit dancy if you try to hand milk her. She has medium short teats, so she hasn’t been hand milked much between teat length and her being fidgity when we try to hand milk her. She is confirmed bred to Dandy and due Jan 26. She just truned 5 this Spring of 2024. She has been started on a haulter, and is learning to stand tied. She still has a bit to go before she would be considered lead broke. We are working with her. 



Registered, A1/A2


Lucky is 2.5 years old. She is a good girl and easy to milk by hand or machiene. She has a nice, thick stocky frame to her. She has been ai bred to 29JE4273 and confirmed pregnant. Due November 18th, 2024. We are working with her on the haulter. She is pretty good, but not easy enough for a child to lead her yet.


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Registered, A2/A2


Patsy is a sweet heart. She will be turning 4 this Summer. She was in heat June 1st, and exposed to our bull Dandy. Will be checking pregnancy soon. She has nice medium teat length and a solid body frame. She behaves well for milking time whether we are milking her by hand or machine it doesn’t seem to make a difrence to her. She will quite often walk up to me while free in the field to get her head scratched. She is started on a haulter and learning to stand tied and doing really well.



Registered, A2/A2


Josephine is sweet, gentle, registered Jersey.  She likes attention and she learned to behave during milking quickly. She had her first calf in March, and only came into milk in 3 quarters. Her back left is a dry quarter that doesn’t cause problems, but also doesn’t produce milk. She just got a preg recheck, so I think she is early bred to Dandy. Will be rechecking soon. Probably bred for late Feb-early March. She is going on 3 years old this Fall. 


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Registered, A2/A2


Dazzle is a beautiful 2 year old  Jersey. She had her first calf in January, and confirmed bred to Dandy and due January 2025. She has slender, medium length teats. She is easy to milk with the machiene, and not bad for hand milking if you take it slow at first.



Registered, A1/A2


Halo is a sweet and gentle 6 year old registered Jersey. She just calved mid May. She is a good mom and a great milk cow. She milks well by hand and machine and has nice, medium length teats with good spacing between. She is exposed to our bull Dandy, but I don’t expect to get a positive preg test for a few months since she just calved. 


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Registered, A1/A2


Phyllis is a gentle Jersey with a nice frame. She is going on 3 years old this fall. She is exposed to our bull, Dandy, and I recently got a preg recheck. We will be rechecking pregnancy soon. Likley bred for a late February calf. She has nice long teats with good spacing. She stands well for milking with machiene or hand most of the time, and she is taking to the haulter quickly. 



Registered, A2/A2


Mary is a good natured lovable girl. She is 2.5 years old, and milking great. She behaves well for machien or hand milking most of the time, and has medium teat length. Comfortable for me to milk her by hand. She is exposed to Dandy and likley early bred. . 


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Registered, A2/A2


Linni is a 3 year old, currently in milk, but will be going dry soon. She was AI bred to sexed semen and due August 19, 2024. The bull she is bred to is 29JE4306. She has medium long teats and milks easy by hand or machiene. She is also naturally polled. She enjoys attention and is a easy keeper. 



Registered, A2/A2


Gilda is a very easy to handle 2 year old Jersey girl. She had her first calf last December. She is confirmed pregnant again and due early February 2025. She was bred to our A2A2 bull, Dandy. She has medium teat length and behaves well for hand or machine milking. This girl loves babies. She nursed her own calf for the first month. Now she regularly visits the bottle calves by walking up to their pen and standing close enough to let them nurse through the fence.she has a nice udder and it is mostly symetrical except when she recently nursed a calf or two through the fence. 


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Registered, A2/A2


Miki is a gentle girl that enjoys head scratches. She is 2.5 years old and behaves great for milking. She is a good producer for being her first lactation. She has medium teat length. She was bred to our A2A2 bull, Dandy, and confirmed pregnant. She is due early February 2025. She has well balanced tront teats. Her back teat on the left probably produces close to double what the right one produces. All 4 work fine, just not well balanced in the back. 



Registered, A2/A2


Lexi is a good milker. She just turned 4 this spring she has nice long teats comfortable for hand milking with nice spacing between. She freshened in December and is exposed to our bull, Dandy, and possibly early bred. She is doing well with haulter training and learning quickly. 


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Registered, A1/A2


Ruby is 2.5 years old. She had her first calf mid April. She is such a sweet girl and enjoys attention. She is behaving really well for being so new to milking. She is quite easy to milk with a machiene, and as long as you are slow and smoothe with hand milking she is quite accepting of that as well. She is a smaller girl with medium teat length. She is exposed to dandy, but it will likley be a couple more months before she gets bred since she just calved.



Registered, A2/A2


Wisteria is a beautiful, well put together 4 year old Jersey. She is calm and well behaved and usually accepts attention.  She is not pushy at all for attention,  but usually stays to enjoy a little petting. She has medium teat length and behaves great for milking by hand or machine.  She is a great mom and even occasionally adopts calves. Although now she is just being milked 1x per day without a calf on her. She is confirmed bred back to Nate for a November calf. She has a very calm temperament,  but has not been haulter trained. She can be guided easily where you want her to go, but she really doesn’t like the lead roap.


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Registered, A2/A2


Dimple is a 2 year old. Just had her first calf this winter and has been doing great as a first time milk cow. She has a nice even udder with medium teat length.  Stands well for machine or hand milking most days. She was bred to Dandy on April 4th. Pregnancy cannot be confirmed until first week in May. She has a calm gentle temperament and regularly approaches me in the field. She has a smaller frame than our average cow. She could use a hoof trim on her back feet. They aren’t hurting her, but they are a bit too long.



Registered, A2/A2


Krinkle is a lovely 3 year old Jersey milk cow. She had her 2nd calf late December and has been exposed to Nate and Dandy our a2a2 registered bulls. She knows her job and comes in the barn and stands well for milking. She would be better for machine milking as she has fairly short teat length. She milks a bit heavy in her back left, but all 4 quarters milk just fine. She has a shorter stocky build to her and does well on our farm with a mostly grass diet. She does have a clam temperament, but she gets a bit nervous when separated from the herd. She would definitely do better on a farm that has a few cows already that she can socialize with. 


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Registered, A2/A2


Chirp is a lovley 3 year old with good production. She just had her 2nd calf mid February and is currently open. She has medium short teats, so machine milking would be preferable for her, but she behaves well for either machine or hand milking. She has a docile sweet temperament and is not easily spooked. She regularly walks up and approaches me when grazing in a field.



Registered, A2/A2


Oryan is a sweet, friendly Jersey girl. She just turned 5 this February. She has medium long teats and she is a good solid production milk cow. She behaves well for hand milking or machine milking. She milks good from all 4 quarters although her back quarters are a bit different in size. She calved in February and was recently bred to Dandy on 4/27/2024.  I believe she has a good temperament for a beginner to get started. 


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Registered, A1/A2


Sina is a good girl that holds condition well. She is 3 years old and due with her second calf September 1st, 2024. She was AI bred with sexed to 29JE4306 . She is milking well and behaves for hand or machiene milking. Her udder does seem to hold a bit more milk on her right side than left, but it is only a little off balance. 



Registered, A2/A2


Gingersnap is a beautiful 2 year old with great genetics. She is naturally polled and she keeps a great body score on a mostly grass diet. She calved mid January on one of the coldest nights and after calving her body started dripping milk which froze her front right teat solid before we milked her for the first time. She is still producing over 2 gal per day on 1x per day milking, but only from 3 quarters. That teat fell off and healed over, so it is not a problem for her anymore,  but it is not functional.  She has medium short teats, and would be best if machine milked. I do use a kick bar with her because her first few weeks being in milk was a bit traumatic. She is manageable with a kick bar for machine milking. She was just bred to Dandy on April 1st. Won’t be able to confirm pregnancy until first week in May.


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Registered, A2/A2


Damper is a friendly 3 year old family Jersey cow. She is well behaved for milking and has medium teat length.  She behaves well for milking her by hand or machine, but she is more used to a machine.  She was ai bred to 1j770 and confirmed pregnant for an October 2nd 2024 calf. She has good production and is quite layed back. I believe a beginner would be able to handle her as their first cow. 


Mud Pie

Registered, A2/A2


Mud pie is a solid 4 year old Jersey. She is a good producer and milks easy. She has medium long teat length. She does prefer machine milking and steps around some for hand milking, but she isn’t a kicker, and would probably adjust to hand milking. She was ai bred to 7j2175  on 2/26/2024 and confirmed pregnant. She does tend to hold back some milk in her back left quarter. I normally just ad a little pressure to that one before taking the milker off to make sure she let’s out all the milk. She has a calm temperament, and I believe most beginners would be able to handle her. She likes attention,  but not usually seeking attention,  just accepting of it when you approach her calmly. 


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Registered, A2/A2


Popcorn is a sweet heart. She is a smaller framed Jersey with a great structure and sweet personality.  She is well broke to lead, and behaves well in the barn for milking by hand or machine.  She has medium teat length and a good symmetrical udder with nice spacing. She is naturally polled. She is a 2 year old. Had her first calf this winter and is exposed to Dandy.  Possibly early bred. 



Registered, A2/A2


Galaxy is a sweet layed back 5 year old. 
 She has a very symmetrical udder with nice long teats in the front and medium long in the back. She is a good milker and behaves well for hand or machine milking. She was bred ai to 14JE2168 and is due August,  28, 2024. She does have the cutest little turn to her nose which makes her look like she is smiling. She has a calm temperament, and I believe she would make a good beginner cow. 


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Registered, A2/A2


Candy is a sweet heart and she likes attention. She is a 2 year old Jersey that had her first calf late fall of 2023. Some times she will just follow me around until I pet her. She has a beautiful face and she is a good producer. She has nice long front teats. And medium back teats. Her front quarters are nice and symmetrical,  but back quarters are a bit lopsided. She produces lots from her back left and not so much from her back right. She was ai bred on 2/9/2024 to 7j1038. And confirmed bred. Although she is a sweetheart with a great temperament, she can be a pain in the barn. I have been using a kick bar with her, and it makes it pretty easy to milk her. I wouldn’t recommend her as a hand milker because of the off balance back quarters and because she hasn’t learned to stand the best yet. 


Zedekia - Bull



Zedekia is a good looking bull. He will be a year old early July. He was raised on his mom. Never given a bottle. He respects people and keeps his distance. He already has been trying to breed a couple heifers and a nurse cow, so I believe he is old enough to get the job done, or will be very soon. His dad is from Ratliff. His performance pedigree is included. He has been dehorned and is ready for his own herd. I have sent off a hair sample on him, but do not have results yet.  


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Betty Lou

Registered, A2/A2


Betty Lou is a very sweet 3 year old. She was following me around licking my hands so much I couldn’t get far away enough from her to get a good body photo. She has a nice body and is a good producer and usually behaves well for machine or hand milking. She has medium teat length and a nice udder. Her back quarters are not even, in production,  but milks good from all 4. She was AI bred to 7je1758 and confirmed pregnant and due to calve August 30th. She has such a sweet temperament I believe a beginner could handle her.



Registered, A1/A2


Samantha is a sweet girl. She loves attention and is usually accepting of strangers as well as people she is already familiar with. She just turned 3 and did well with her first calf. She nursed her calf for the first couple months and then has been on 1x per day milking since. She calved in November and is confirmed bred to Nate for an early December 2024 calf. She has medium teat length and behaves well for milking by hand or machine.  Her back quarters are a bit uneven, but all 4 milk just fine. And she is a good producer for being first time fresh. 


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Registered, A2/A2


Billi is a 2 year old regestered Jersey. She had her first calf in November and bred back to Nate for a November calf. She is a sweet girl. She is started on a haulter and she is learning quickly.  She behaves well most of the time for hand or machine milking, but she can be a little steppy some days. She has a nice even udder and medium long teat length.  



Registered, A2/A2


Perfecta is a layed back almost 6 year old. She has nice long teats and is an amazing producer. She is bred with sexed seamen to 641je2222 and due on October 29th, 2024. She doesn’t have a pet type personality,  but she is quite easygoing and well behaved in the barn when I milk her with a machine or by hand. I believe she would work well for a beginner who wants lots of milk. Her udder is fairly well balanced, but teat thickness is a little different from one to another. 


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Grade, A2/A2


Margaret is a 2 year old Jersey family cow. She freshened this fall. She is exposed to our bull, Dandy, and may be recently bred. She is a sweetheart. She really enjoys attention and she is easy to herd where you want her. She is also a good nurse cow and has nursed calves that aren’t hers on occasion.  She does have one problem.  She is quite kickie and dancy at milking time. For that reason she wears hobbles. I wouldn’t recommend her as a hand milking cow. She has medium short teats and it is manageable to hook up a milking machine to her, and once she is hooked up she usually stands still, but she is going to need someone who can hook up a milker smoothly and someone who has patience and determination to get her milked, unless you plan to use her as a nurse cow. She will occasionally kick a calf off, but most of the time she lets them nurse just fine. 



Registered, A1/A2, Nurse Cow


Liz is a registered 3 year old Jersey. She calved in January and was a bit soar when coming into milk, she has medium short teats and we decided to see if she liked nursing calves better than the milking machine.  She took to the calves and loves being a nurse cow. We have 4 heifer calves that are nursing on her and doing great. They are weaning age, so we don’t really need her as a nurse cow, but she is early in milk and could easily raise a few calves for you. Most likely she would accept them after a few days kept in a pen with them, we didn’t have to do anything besides put her with hungry calves and she took them willingly. She is very calm and lets me pet her quite often when she is free in the field. She has been in with a young registered Jersey bull, so possibly early bred. He is not quite a year old, but she has cycled while with him, and it looked like he knew what he was doing. 


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Registered, A1/A1


Cocoa is a sleek little girl. Her dad was from Ratliff show lines. Mom was a Jersey cross. She is registered as a Jersey Cross. She is 3/4 Jersey. Cocoa is 2 years old and just freshened in Jan. She has a great udder and medium long teats. And can be milked by hand or machine.  Cocoa has a strong personality.  She can be a sweetheart and just come over for love an attention, or she may get a little attitude and want to bonk you with her head. She behaves for milking most days, but occasionally she will get a little attitude and be a pain. She will need a home with someone not scared to tell her “No”. And put her back in her place. She is a sturdy little girl and has held condition really well. 



Registered, A2/A2


Baili is a sweet 2 year old with a nice even udder. She has medium teat length and is learning to stand well for milking by hand or machine.  She calved on her own and bred back quickly. She is bred to Nate and due October 2024.  She is a good producer for a first time girl. She is an outgoing and motivated girl. She is usually on the first or second row to be milked.


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Registered, A2/A2


Corabeth is a 3 year old registered Jersey with medium teat length. She is a good producer and milks well. She does prefer machine milking, and may be a pain to milk by hand because she moves quite a bit when I try to milk her by hand. I wouldn’t recommend her as a first time cow, but if you have a little experience with cows and have a couple to be her friend, I think she would make an excellent addition to your farm. She is confirmed bred to a registered Jersey bull. A2 status on him is unknown.  She should be due about April to early May. 


New Jersey

Grade, A2/A2


New Jersey is a sweet, young 2 year old. She has nice long teats and she milks well for such a young girl. She calved in December and has really learned to behave well for milking time. She has a sweet motherly temperament and has adopted calves a few times that I have noticed. She is exposed to Nate. We have not yet brok her to the haulter, but she is pretty layed back. I think most beginners could do fine with her if they have a small pen to keep her in for adjustment time. 


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Registered, A2/A2


Holo is a shorter Jersey. She calved in November on her own and bred back quickly to Nate for an October calf. She has medium long teats. She milks well with machine,  but still has some learning before she will be easy to milk by hand. She is very sweet and friendly and even lets new people pet her quite often. 



Registered, A2/A2


Magic is doscile 3 year old family cow. She has medium teat length and usually behaves well for being milked by hand or machine.  She is doing very well on lead as well. I believe she would make a good beginner cow for someone. She was recently bred to Nate, but she has not been confirmed as pregnant yet. 


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